Horowitz Group is a single family office based in Southern California with its roots in the ready-mix concrete industry. Today the group invests opportunistically in real estate, private businesses, and alongside alternative investment managers. Our investment philosophy is rigorously centered on aligning interests and the virtues of patient capital. We have applied this discipline over three generations, deploying capital across various industries with like-minded operators.
Horowitz Group regularly seeks new investment opportunities. We are a family office, not a private equity fund, so we invest our own capital and have the ability to own an asset indefinitely. This patient capital approach allows us to pursue growth plans and make strategic decisions solely in the best interests of the companies and communities in which we invest.

David Horowitz
Adam Horowitz
Chief Executive Officer
Chris Jacobson
Secretary – Treasurer
Jason Tester
Chief Financial Officer
Matt Cornue
Chief Investment Officer
Brian Meihaus
Senior Vice President – Real Estate
Lance Schumacher
Vice President – Tax

The Horowitz Group allocates capital to and co-invests alongside premier investment managers, with a focus on private equity, specialty finance, and emerging managers. We have also had success partnering with independent sponsors. The following are select relationships: